
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Even the Crock Pot Speaks

As I begin another post,  I'd like to give you insight to the way many times the Lord will speak to me. Its usually through the ordinary, simple, every day things that I'll get a nugget of wisdom, a simple analogy that will inspire or challenge me in my life. Lately, its the crock pot, it speaks to me on a daily basis and no, I'm not going crazy. Let me explain…

Every day, I enter my closet to pick out clothes to get dressed and there it sits, a brand new, boxed up crock pot, a gift from this past Christmas from my hubby (sorry honey!). One I had requested, in fact, after I got crock pot envy from a friend (thanks Nichola!). See, I've been using my mother's for the past 3 years since we moved in with my Dad. It has what you would call "sentimental value", but in honesty, its rather small and has lots of wear and tear. It only has the basic features: off, low and high, and yet I can't seem to part with it even after I got a new one.

Let me tell you about this new beauty….its a 5 quart stay-n-go stainless steel pot with 2 choices for easy and automatic cooking. You can program the cooking time, and it will automatically shift to warm when the time is up or use the basics features off, low and high. It has a latch-able lid for transporting and even a spoon that attaches to it. Its pretty sweet! Still, it remains in the box, unopened, unused, in all its glory.

Its become a joke now because since I started this blog, I took it out of the closet, and it now sits in the kitchen, still boxed. Hey one step closer right? I actually moved it to remind me to finish this writing. In reality, this appliance with all its features has not benefited me yet and will not until I take it out and use it!

So why, why can't I when it comes to such a simple thing make the change? Out with the old in with the new! Move on to bigger and better right? Some how that old thing has brought comfort, and yet Lord knows, my mom would say "Who cares!" She certainly isn't thinking about that thing in heaven. I ponder why am I hanging on to it….and then wisdom begins.

If I did an inventory of my life, how many things am I hanging on to like traditions, routines, thought processes, habits that are keeping me stagnant and from moving forward? Clearly, there have been improvements in the function of these crock pot machines that would be of great benefit to my life, my family, my cooking, but I stick with the basics.

Now, I'm not knocking the basics. We all start somewhere, but its going beyond the basics which separates us from the pack. I think with human nature, there is a struggle between the constant push to move forward versus the comfort and knowing of our daily routine. I believe God has created us to live big lives! He uniquely faceted us with gifts and talents to inspire, encourage and make a difference in this world. Sadly, many times, our dreams seemed dashed, out of reach, overwhelming because the every day is calling. Work, job, bills, relationships, its like we are on a hamster wheel just spinning, or a treadmill running but going nowhere.

I give this great thought because without risk there is no reward, and without dreams there is no fulfillment. Knowing that it says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans of a hope and a future". Those words are a reminder that God has a plan for each of our lives and it is great, not small, not ordinary but uniquely designed for us, and we can trust Him with it!

Personally, the area I have needed attending to IS my writing. I undoubtedly knew the Lord said to write, but I kept on with my daily routine for so long because it seemed easier. I've had to break out of the mold and just begin or it would never happen. No longer could I ignore that something in me was lacking. I've now placed a priority to step into the creative and calling in me.

So yes, the crockpot speaks, to remind me that there is more, there is greater, there is beyond the now, if I will step out and do my part to meet God. I say 'yes' by continuing to write this blog and the melodies He gives me because I want to fulfill my calling and purpose for this life.

"Life is merely a breath" it says in Psalm 39:5 and then its over. So I ask what's speaking to you? What's calling you? What changes need to be made? What endeavors do you need to begin or start again? Now is the time to examine our lives, to make the necessary changes and live as if there are no ordinary days!


  1. Great post and so relatable to my life. I am good with over thinking but this blog has reminded me to just do it, especially if it is for God. His part is done, I just need to step out. God Bless and keep writing because I am reading 😀

    1. Thanks Carol! Take a step and let God meet you. There is always a reward in obedience

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