
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Find The Son

It's another cold day here in Michigan. Winter has long overstayed its welcome. Yet truthfully, it has every right to be here since spring doesn't officially culminate until March 20. Knowing however my state's track record, we are bound to have a few more winter surprises even in the months to come. Blah!

And sometimes that feels just like life....a season that never seems to end.

My fingertips feel cold this morning as they type, longing to be wrapped around my warm coffee mug. I step over to the glass sliding window and feel the rays of sunshine on my face as temperatures measure a measly 27 degrees.

Today is a hard day. I'm just sad about lots of things. Questions in my mind. Answers that I need. Direction for my next steps and as I stare out the window He whispers....

"Find The Son"

I know exactly what God's telling me. He's beckoning me to come close, draw near and find rest in His Son.... Jesus.

I've lost focus. Life is hard right now, and I forgetten the hope I have.

And God reminds me....."Find the Son."

Our hope, The hope is found in the One who brings life. And life comes only through the Son, Jesus. Just like we need the sun here on earth for nourishment and to grow so do we need The Son, Jesus, if we want real life.

It reminds me of a song I cowrote with a friend years back that spoke of the metaphor between the sun and the Son. A cd handed to me with a song musically scored and just a lyrics of the chorus. He was looking for vision on the verse.  "Just listen and see what comes to mind."

The verse really just wrote itself and yet now looking back I can see it was Holy Spirit inspired and truth that would carry me further in life than I knew metaphorically depicting the faithfulness of the sun and the Son....

You bring the sun in the cool of the day
And it warms my heart with its sweet embrace
You put the moon and the stars in the sky
And it shines through the dark 
Like You light up my life

You are the answers to all of my dreams
More than enough
All that I need
I look to You cause I know You supply
And You have so much more in store for my life

You're so much bigger
So much brighter
So much more beyond
Lord, You're more than worthy of my praise

You're so much bigger
So much brighter
So much more beyond
Lord, You're more than worthy of my praise

Grateful for that song as I sing that medley over myself, and its truth brings refreshment to my soul.

God gave us the sun to warm our days and He gave us the Son, Jesus, to warm our lives.

Find the Son..He says and I'm reminded to pray
Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus
Tell Him your needs, lay down your burdens and find rest.

Find the Son...when life is hard and you don't understand
And He will instruct you and give you wisdom.

Find the Son when days seem dark, cold and life is hard
And you will find a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Find the Son....go to Jesus.
He is our all in all, never failing, always faithful Jesus.

The Message version so beautiful states in Matthew 11:28-30

Are you tired? Worn out?
Burned out on religion?
Come to me. 
Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to make a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.

Find the Son

Praying for all that read this message that the Lord meet you right where you at and remind you that He is faithful.  Much love to you friends.

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