Hello June! What an exciting month as school lets out for summer. Time to take a break from the routine of getting up early, making lunches, homework and early bedtime. We welcome summer with open arms by spending the days in the warm sun, relaxing, swimming in the pool, bike rides for ice cream and enjoying late sunsets. Its a glorious time of year. I love the seasons. I love what this month represents. I love June.
We welcome summer with open arms
June is also my birthday month. I've always enjoyed the fact that its half way through the year. I joke, although somewhat serious, that I'm guaranteed a gift every six months between my birthday and Christmas. Not a bad predicament. I'm a gift giver at heart. I love to give, and I also love to receive. Nothing wrong with that in my mind. My husband knows that my birthday will always be celebrated!
I'm a gift giver at heart.
And one should celebrate their birthday. Its our born day. The day the world said hello to the one and only you! See you were uniquely faceted and designed by the Creator, and there will never be another like you. Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Delight in the fact that God has given each of us an extraordinary purpose!
Delight in the fact that God has given each of us an extraordinary purpose!
Psalm 139:13-14a reiterates this stating "For You (God) created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers' womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." God Almighty, the Creator, took time, skill, imagination to make each of us unique, special, filled with purpose and value. That's something worth celebrating!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Celebrate why you say? Its just another day, another year older and who wants to admit that? Well, I do! I don't mind aging. In fact, I'm hope its true to the saying "Another year older, another year wiser". The years are the chapters in our lives that tell our story.
The years are the chapters in our lives that tell our story.
My story began back in 1977 in the state of Washington just outside of Seattle. I was the second child and second girl. My sister is only 15 months apart from me, and I was a surprise. But not a surprise to God! He knew I was coming. I was raised in a Christian home. My parents were both first generation Christians, and I made Jesus my Lord and Savior at an early age of 3.
I was a surprise but not a surprise to God
I was "a military brat" as my dad served in the US Coast Guard for twenty years which caused us to travel the United States for all of my childhood. I have lived in six states. I've always felt my upbringing caused me to adapt well and welcome change. My dad retired in 1994, and after spending the summer with my best friend's family, my mother picked me up, and I moved to Michigan for my senior year in high school. I attended a very small Christian school where I was number 13 in my class. A huge change from the public school I had attended. This, however, is where I met my husband on the first day when he asked to see my Massachusetts driver's license.
May 19, 1995, Michael and I had our first date to senior prom. He never stopped calling after that, and we dated for five years through college. I was married at the age of 23, a mother by the age of 25. I've been pregnant 7 times. Yikes! Two of which were miscarriages in the early stages. I'm raising 5 children: 4 boys and and the baby girl. Yes, we are done! Someone always asks…..
I graduated from Oakland University in 2000, the year we were married, with a Bachelors in General Studies. At the time, I was aspiring to be a physical therapist and worked at a clinic as the assistant office manager. The Lord had other plans, and as I got involved at church, I realized my love to sing was more than that but a calling. I have been leading worship since 2001.
I realized my love to sing was more than that but a calling
Michael and I will celebrate our 15 year anniversary this summer. That has many stories in itself but rest on the words, love, grace and forgiveness. We bought our first home in Roseville where we lived for eleven years and outgrew with our ever growing family. In 2011, we moved in with my dad after my mother passed away. Although that chapter of my life and still is a sad reality, the relationship we have built with my Dad is absolutely priceless.
This is my story, although very abbreviated, defining who I am. A first hand account filled with details to my current life chapter. See life is a journey. A series of events that walks us down the path of life filled many seasons of change, stretching, difficulty, joy and tears. All compiled into a unique story that is quite marveling.
Too many of us never account for our life story. We struggle through the day to day to just survive and don't look back at the fact that we've journeyed. It can be painful at times stirring up emotions that we don't want to experience again or perhaps shed light on an unhappy place we are living now. But why wait until our funeral for someone else to account our story? Lets allow our life to be told and propel us towards the deepest desires in our heart. Perhaps thats why I love birthdays. Its a day to say here's where my story began. Here's where I've journeyed to. Here's who I am.
I think aging perhaps can discourage us. We set a timeline in our minds of where we want to be, how we want to be living and what we had hoped to accomplish. This can make us give into the thoughts that there's been wasted years, wasted time. We look back with regret instead of looking forward with anticipation. I think that's a tactic of the enemy to keep us from living hopeful. Lets not fall for that. If we look at life in seasons or as chapters, we realize that our story is still being written.
We look back with regret instead of look forward with anticipation
I turn 38 in a matter of days. I can't believe that I'm almost 40!!! Forty always
seemed so old to me, yet the closer I get, I realize its pretty young. There's so much of my life still to be played out. No matter if life has turned out just as I thought it would, I recognize that each day presents an opportunity that is the door to my future.
Each day presents an opportunity that is the door to your future
So let me encourage each of you today to begin to celebrate you! Celebrate the mere fact that you've made it this far. Celebrate the fact that with God nothing is impossible. Celebrate the fact that you are still breathing. Celebrate you! Your life has purpose and meaning! You matter, and you are worth celebrating!
Take time to sit down and account for your story. Remain hopeful that you are just in a chapter and your story has not ended. Rest in the fact that God has set you apart for an amazing purpose that as we seek Him, He will unfold the destiny of our lives. You matter! You are loved! You are celebrated by Father God. Today, let's celebrate you!