
Friday, May 12, 2017

It's Mother's Day weekend....Time To Choose Happy

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
The weekend is gearing up, and the preparations are beginning for brunches, lunches, sales and get togethers. It will be plastered all over social media, in every store cause who doesn't need a reason to shop and ringing through the hearts of most American homes.

Though it's a great time of joy for many, it also can bring an abundant amount of sorrow for others.
Bittersweet would be my interpretation. On one hand, I have five beautiful, healthy children and am married to an amazing man. Yet, I miscarried twice and lost my mother to cancer almost six years ago. A heartache that never seems to go away.

I realize while some can relate others cannot. There are those who have lost children, are childless, estranged relationships, never married, single mothers, grandparents raising children...our stories are all different, but I believe our hope is all the same.

Our hope is that we will be joyful in the journey of life. We all want to feel a sense of fulfillment, love, joy and contentment in our days, and that is my prayer for you as you read this. No matter the condition of your heart, season, current experience or past disappointments, I pray that you can find joy in your journey. 

Natalie Grant describes it best in her lyrics "Perfect People"

There's no such thing as perfect people
There no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed, and be changed
By a perfect God

One of the biggest challenges we face in our society is comparison. It lies and tells us that others have a better life, and that we have gotten the short end of the stick. Social media doesn't help with all the posts and pictures. While I am a fan of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, I love to post my highlights, there is a realization of the illusion that we don't have enough or our life is some how coming up short.

Can I challenge you to look beyond your now and take a few steps towards joy this weekend and apply some simple tools to your future days?

1. Give your heart to God, completely
Regardless of the current condition, ugly, broken, hurting, happy
I have found no safer place to bring my most deepest intimate thoughts but into God's hands.
Tell Him how you feel, be real and invite Him to heal those broken spaces.
He is the Healer, Restorer and Great Comforter 

2. Check your thoughts
It's easy to swim in our emotions, bask in our grief and stay in our sorrow. While there is a season for mourning, it is not our final destination. We must choose to change our focus and that starts with our thoughts. What is going on in that play by play in your mind? It is a repeat of negative emotions and disappointing experiences?

If all we dwell on is what hurts, then that's all we see. Similar to when a a child falls down, and gets a scrap. At that moment, the pain is screaming. We do our best to nurse the wound, fix the scrap and repair what's hurting. Yet, the best is when we see them get back up and try again. Friend, you need to do the same. Get back up and live again.

Can I challenge you to begin to think differently? Think about what you do have. Find something positive. It may begin with the very breath that you breathe. There is something good friend. Find it. Rehearse it, and if need be write it down. Tell yourself over and over again about these positive things and train your mind to begin to think positive. Every time the past begins to creep back in, pause, replace with a happy thought. You'll be surprised how that will change your countenance. 

3. Take a step towards positivity 
Positivity is a choice and not always an easy one. However, light comes when we breathe happy into our dark experiences.
For me, it has been reaching out to others. Sending a card. Encouraging someone else. Doing coffee with a friend, lunch or purchasing a gift that I know will make them smile. Plan your positivity.

Life isn't meant to be all about you. Its meant to be lived out giving and serving others. So this weekend, find a way to reach out and encourage another. Don't want for someone to encourage you. BE the encourager! It s a new way to live and honestly it will make your happier.

4. Smile and Laugh
You are the only one who can control your joy. Allow yourself to be happy again. Give yourself permission. It will not erase the pain, but does allow you to live again. It allows you to breathe again, and it gives permission to enjoy this very imperfect life.

Life is a journey, full of ups, downs and every which way. Its unpredictable. Yet what we learn from it, determines our future. Sow into your future and see bright days ahead!

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I've got plans with my family. A wonderful brunch to look forward to and a movie night out with girlfriends.

I even put a collage of pictures together of my mother earlier in the week to remind me of how much she influenced my life. The seeds she planted in me are now a garden in my heart to be transplanted into my children, family, friends and lives around. While it brought some tears, they were happy tears. These are pictures of good days, and good days are still ahead.

Choose happy friends. Choose happy!

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