
Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Mother's Love

Sweet little kisses
Tiny little toes
The joy we celebrate
In watching babies grow

Each of our children
Gifts from above
Filling our lives with
So much love

From walking to talking
First day at school
To homework and bath time
And teaching the rules

Its not always easy
Some days are just hard
We worry, we scurry
And often feel tired

But mom, don't you fret
You're doing just fine
Your goal is not perfection
Its savoring the time

Special little moments
To warm their hearts
Your constant presence
And being who you are

Is what children want
And nothing less
Just giving your all
Trying your best

For days go by quickly
Faster than we wish
We can't slow down time
And we sure could miss

The moments that matter
Of connecting our hearts
To the ones God gave us
Our wisdom to impart 

So on this Mother's Day
Know that you are enough
You are celebrated
You are loved

For a measure of grace
Has been planted in your heart
Water the seed of love
And it won't depart

No matter where they go
No matter where they've been
You'll always be the one
They'll remember when

They look back on the years
In your gentle care
Basking in the memories
And recalling you there

Through good times 
Bad times, happy and sad
You are the constant
No matter the seasons they had

A picture of Jesus
A hand to hold
For a mother's love
Is worth far more than gold

Celebrating today all the mothers who have walked through the unwritten rules of motherhood. You are enough. You are loved, and you are making a difference.

To my mother, Joanne, you are one of life's greatest treasures ever given to me. May my life reflect just a measure of the wonderful mother you were. Remembering your love and knowing that you are celebrated in heaven!

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