
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Random Acts of Kindness

It's Spring Break...I'm dreaming of sandy beaches, the sun on my face and warmer weather. A measly 40 degrees here in Michigan, and we're on a staycation. A.k.a. didn't go anywhere for spring break. If you know me, I always plan something over school breaks to keep sanity in our house. Five kids can lead to chaos I researched ideas for fun things to do in our area.

Last night at the dinner table, the kids wondered what was on the agenda for Tuesday.  "A factory tour," I told them. "It will be fun." They all laughed at the idea of visiting the Jiffy factory, and I could tell quickly that idea was going south. Having a 8 year gap between my oldest and youngest makes it hard to find something they'll all enjoy without breaking the bank!

So, I decided to go another route. A Random Act of Kindness day I saw on social media last week. This seemed like the perfect opportunity.  When the kids woke up this morning, they were happy to hear Jiffy was out of the question, and I was excited to do something completely different and random.

Pinterest, the go-to for every creative project in my house, didn't let me down in finding the perfect printable to use today. Meanwhile,  my youngest two each made a thank you card for our local heroes. Something about a homemade card in kid's writing complete with drawings that is so sentimental and thoughtful. So proud of my little Picassos!

Now to head out on our mission. Random Act of Kindness Day here we come!

First stop, our local supermarket picking up donuts, cookies and a bouquet of flowers. After paying at register, our first random act began taping a microwave popcorn bag to the Red box machine. Every movie needs popcorn! My kids were concerned that we might get in trouble. I reassured them no one would get mad we put a free microwave popcorn bag on there.

We headed to our next spot before leaving the store....the beloved candy machines. Isn't it every kid's dream to walk up to the candy and toy machines to see free money?!?! The slots were all adored with quarters and decorated signs. Sorry moms! Now it's going to be really hard to say no when someone else already paid for it.

Jumped in the card and onward to our local fire station right down the street. Tessa was hoping to get a picture with a fireman, and her wish was about to come true. We rang the doorbell and were greeted shortly by a local hero. He invited us in not quite sure why we were there. Tessa gave him the card and cookies she picked out. He thanked us and gave us a brief tour of the station. Told us about their chores of keeping their station clean and took us into the garage where the vehicles were stored.  A mechanic was there working on the fire truck as we spoke. Did you know they have to do vehicles repairs in house? We thanked him again for serving our community, grabbed a few pictures and set back out for more stops.

Our township doesn't have a police station so we had to go find our local heroes and little further from home. At the municipal building, we got to call the dispatcher who would send over an county sheriff. What fun to have a special greeting from a sheriff who said he's used to only getting complaints. The officer's face lit up from our surprise! He read Jaden's thank you note out loud, thanked us for the treats and offered to pull his vehicle up for a picture. What a delight to see his joy and the joy it gave back to us! Winning!

Meanwhile, my oldest got in the spirit and decided to fill the meters up with quarters in the parking lot.  My middle son joined in the fun. Love it! Now they're getting it.

We finished with flowers on random windshields hoping to bring some joy to people's hearts as they returned to their vehicle. Gavin wishing to see someone's face light up with his act of kindness. And with that we were almost done....

We saved one last flower for our favorite ice cream spot. A historical neighborhood creamery for decades. We drive by the place almost every day and have frequented their business often. Sometimes even without the kids. Lol! We know the owner's car and placed the final flower on that windshield. What a commitment they have made to that community for so long. We can't help but be grateful for the nostalgic feeling we get every time we grab a cone there. We didn't leave of course before heading in to buy ice cream, say hello to the ladies behind the counter, keeping our secret safe with us and a random beef jerky for my oldest who was boycotting sweets.

It's been great morning to give back! Just a few hours out of the day and staycation to spread some joy around our community. Each of us can make any day a little better by smiling at someone, giving a warm hello, holding a door, giving up a parking spot, letting someone ahead of us in line, paying for someone's coffee or meal in the drive thru...the list could go on and on.

Our world needs more kindness, and it starts with each of us. Show the love today and make the world a better place. Now here's to surviving the rest of our staycation!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Find The Son

It's another cold day here in Michigan. Winter has long overstayed its welcome. Yet truthfully, it has every right to be here since spring doesn't officially culminate until March 20. Knowing however my state's track record, we are bound to have a few more winter surprises even in the months to come. Blah!

And sometimes that feels just like life....a season that never seems to end.

My fingertips feel cold this morning as they type, longing to be wrapped around my warm coffee mug. I step over to the glass sliding window and feel the rays of sunshine on my face as temperatures measure a measly 27 degrees.

Today is a hard day. I'm just sad about lots of things. Questions in my mind. Answers that I need. Direction for my next steps and as I stare out the window He whispers....

"Find The Son"

I know exactly what God's telling me. He's beckoning me to come close, draw near and find rest in His Son.... Jesus.

I've lost focus. Life is hard right now, and I forgetten the hope I have.

And God reminds me....."Find the Son."

Our hope, The hope is found in the One who brings life. And life comes only through the Son, Jesus. Just like we need the sun here on earth for nourishment and to grow so do we need The Son, Jesus, if we want real life.

It reminds me of a song I cowrote with a friend years back that spoke of the metaphor between the sun and the Son. A cd handed to me with a song musically scored and just a lyrics of the chorus. He was looking for vision on the verse.  "Just listen and see what comes to mind."

The verse really just wrote itself and yet now looking back I can see it was Holy Spirit inspired and truth that would carry me further in life than I knew metaphorically depicting the faithfulness of the sun and the Son....

You bring the sun in the cool of the day
And it warms my heart with its sweet embrace
You put the moon and the stars in the sky
And it shines through the dark 
Like You light up my life

You are the answers to all of my dreams
More than enough
All that I need
I look to You cause I know You supply
And You have so much more in store for my life

You're so much bigger
So much brighter
So much more beyond
Lord, You're more than worthy of my praise

You're so much bigger
So much brighter
So much more beyond
Lord, You're more than worthy of my praise

Grateful for that song as I sing that medley over myself, and its truth brings refreshment to my soul.

God gave us the sun to warm our days and He gave us the Son, Jesus, to warm our lives.

Find the Son..He says and I'm reminded to pray
Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus
Tell Him your needs, lay down your burdens and find rest.

Find the Son...when life is hard and you don't understand
And He will instruct you and give you wisdom.

Find the Son when days seem dark, cold and life is hard
And you will find a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Find the Son....go to Jesus.
He is our all in all, never failing, always faithful Jesus.

The Message version so beautiful states in Matthew 11:28-30

Are you tired? Worn out?
Burned out on religion?
Come to me. 
Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to make a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.

Find the Son

Praying for all that read this message that the Lord meet you right where you at and remind you that He is faithful.  Much love to you friends.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Drop the SH*T

I love taking walks. My dog, Coco, loves when I walk her. Its become a great partnership and a favorite pastime of mine. Something about getting out into nature and breathing in the fresh air brings rejuvenation to my soul.

This past spring when I wanted to lose a few pounds before summer, I started tracking what I ate and counting my steps. I created 2 walking routes. The "long" walk, my kids lovingly called it or the "short" walk. The long walk is about 2 miles that travels down the center of our sub, out to a main road which widens to a beautiful bike bath along the river, cuts back through a neighboring sub and then returns to our street. 

One day, I wanted to change the view and decided to veer of course and detour from the main road by going over a bridge instead that connects 2 pathways along the river. From the very top of the bridge, you could look down at the beautiful water, see boats going by and the neighboring air force base. I loved giving myself the option of a new perspective on my walk, thus the long walk took on a new name "Ryan's" because it walked by a friends house or the "Bridge." Brilliant, I know.

The short walk is just that. A quick 15 minute walk around the block. If its going to be a busy morning, if I didn't get my steps in for the day or just needed to decompress, that was the route.

Short walk, long walk, Ryan or Bridge, Coco does not care. She just loves to walk! We have quickly learned to never say the "W" word in front of her as it is an instant tease, and she beelines for the door. Most mornings, she expectantly waits at the front entrance wagging her tail, puppy dog eyes begging to go. We've developed a good habit and become great walking buddies. All that to say, my walks have been a great time also with God. I pray and talk with Him along the way.

One day last week, Coco and I set out for the short walk in the morning. I didn't get too far before I realized I had forgotten a baggie for doggy cleanup. Great! I know she's going to go. I think she stores up as much pee and poop as she possibly can because she finds great joy in sniffing every tree, every pole, every lawn searching for that perfect spot. I'll never understand the joy a dog takes in this process. Sometimes I get annoyed with how much she wants to stop and sniff. Let's go already. 

So, I began to look around for plan B. Coco is a Yorkie and weighs in at maybe 5lbs wet. She is tiny and so is her poop. Thank God! Just then I spotted a very large leaf on the sidewalk. Perfect, that will do. I'm on the short walk. I'll just pick it up with that and dispose when we get home. I won't have to hold on to it for too long.

The time came, and I was ready. Here goes the leaf picking up freshly laid...ok you get. I don't think I need to go any further. Small or not, it still stinks.  Leaf or not....its still SH*T. Its now in my hand and the idea that I need to carry it around like a prize until I get home is disgusting. We proceed on our walk. Leaf in left hand, coffee in right. Not exactly the best combination. When out comes a neighbor with her dog. She comments on my pants. Lularoe she asks? Yes we talk about how comfortable they are yet, kind of pricey. She says about $25. I say yes....all the while leaf and sh*t in hand. 

I'm starting to feel silly now holding my leaf and so I casually mention I forgot a bag and carrying a leaf with dog poop in my hand. She laughs and says you don't need to carry that around. Gives me her bag and goes back into her house to grab another one for herself.

Instantly, I kid you not, I got the download "Drop the Shit" and of course I put the leaf in the bag and was happy to do so but it was a much deeper meaning. The download was for my life.


Now I wrestled with saying it that way. But let's be honest you can say poop, you can say crap, but SHIT takes on a much deeper meaning. It comes with so much more emotion when you say it that way, and its exactly how I needed to hear it that day.


I try not to talk this way on a regular basis. Very rarely it spills out when I get mad. So I understand this is an offensive word. But if you'll allow me to explain further perhaps you will see why I've communicated it this way.


We were not created to carry around shit in our lives. In fact, our own bodies get rid of waste on a  daily basis because it is no longer needed. The nutrients our body have been taken in from the food we've eaten and what's left is considered waste and then gets removed from the body. Just like our physical body knows to get rid of the waste, our soul needs to take on this revelation as well! When I heard these words, DROP THE SHIT. It was like an awakening. 

When I heard these words, DROP THE SHIT. 
It was like an awakening. 

Speaking for myself, I have allowed myself to carry things that stink in life! Hurts, mistakes, failures, disappointments and wrong thinking. I couldn't seem to stop dwelling on some of these negative events in my life. This is generally out of character for me. It is not my nature to feel sorry for myself. I am a get up and keep going kind of girl. I am not normally easily knocked over or stay down for too long. But if I'm honest, I have been willing carrying negative emotions around like that dog shit in my hand for awhile!

I needed permission to DROP THE SHIT! What good is it doing? I'm all about learning from mistakes, growing, forgiving, but after all that, after you have done everything and those negative events come back to remind you, what was I doing? Dwelling on the shit! Carrying it around like it was still a part of me instead of seeing it for the waste that it is.  

Thoughts of what was fair, unfair, Lord don't you see? I had brought it to him over and over again on my walks. On this particular day, I was lovingly reminded to drop the shit. Get rid of it. Stop dwelling on it. Let it go as Elsa would say!

Shit had no place in our life. Mentally, physically, it is waste. It does us no good holding on to it and if we are not careful to learn to dispose of it, it will stink up our lives. Trust me, I have boys who when they are stinky, I tell them go to the bathroom. Stop stinking up my house!

Stop stinking up my house!

Friend, Stop stinking up your house! Stop stinking up your life! Stop stinking up your soul! You were made to be free. Free from the burdens that try to bind us. Free from the pains of yesterday. Free of what you have done or what others have done to you. 

And there's nothing worse then being constipated. We get all cramped up. Our body is wrestling to get rid of the waste and then you feel relief. The same is for your life. We were made to thrive. God wants the best for us. Sometimes we can't understand the seasons, the hurts, the disappointments, the pain, the delays, but at some point, we are going to have to let go and live free to be the best potential of ourselves. We have to trust God in the journey. That He is not done with us. That He is still working. That He is faithful to complete the work He began in us.

We have to trust God in the journey

Phil 3:13
Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead

Is 43: 18-19a
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past
See I am doing a new thing!

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope"

Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.

Psalm 27:13
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord.

Friend, whatever weighs on your heart, whatever has burdened you down for too long, its time to take some inventory of your life, deal with what needs to be dealt with and then remove the waste and allow God do a new thing. He loves you. He cares for you. Its time to let go of the waste.
I am giving myself permission to drop the shit. Give yourself permission to do the same!

Friday, May 12, 2017

It's Mother's Day weekend....Time To Choose Happy

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
The weekend is gearing up, and the preparations are beginning for brunches, lunches, sales and get togethers. It will be plastered all over social media, in every store cause who doesn't need a reason to shop and ringing through the hearts of most American homes.

Though it's a great time of joy for many, it also can bring an abundant amount of sorrow for others.
Bittersweet would be my interpretation. On one hand, I have five beautiful, healthy children and am married to an amazing man. Yet, I miscarried twice and lost my mother to cancer almost six years ago. A heartache that never seems to go away.

I realize while some can relate others cannot. There are those who have lost children, are childless, estranged relationships, never married, single mothers, grandparents raising children...our stories are all different, but I believe our hope is all the same.

Our hope is that we will be joyful in the journey of life. We all want to feel a sense of fulfillment, love, joy and contentment in our days, and that is my prayer for you as you read this. No matter the condition of your heart, season, current experience or past disappointments, I pray that you can find joy in your journey. 

Natalie Grant describes it best in her lyrics "Perfect People"

There's no such thing as perfect people
There no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed, and be changed
By a perfect God

One of the biggest challenges we face in our society is comparison. It lies and tells us that others have a better life, and that we have gotten the short end of the stick. Social media doesn't help with all the posts and pictures. While I am a fan of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, I love to post my highlights, there is a realization of the illusion that we don't have enough or our life is some how coming up short.

Can I challenge you to look beyond your now and take a few steps towards joy this weekend and apply some simple tools to your future days?

1. Give your heart to God, completely
Regardless of the current condition, ugly, broken, hurting, happy
I have found no safer place to bring my most deepest intimate thoughts but into God's hands.
Tell Him how you feel, be real and invite Him to heal those broken spaces.
He is the Healer, Restorer and Great Comforter 

2. Check your thoughts
It's easy to swim in our emotions, bask in our grief and stay in our sorrow. While there is a season for mourning, it is not our final destination. We must choose to change our focus and that starts with our thoughts. What is going on in that play by play in your mind? It is a repeat of negative emotions and disappointing experiences?

If all we dwell on is what hurts, then that's all we see. Similar to when a a child falls down, and gets a scrap. At that moment, the pain is screaming. We do our best to nurse the wound, fix the scrap and repair what's hurting. Yet, the best is when we see them get back up and try again. Friend, you need to do the same. Get back up and live again.

Can I challenge you to begin to think differently? Think about what you do have. Find something positive. It may begin with the very breath that you breathe. There is something good friend. Find it. Rehearse it, and if need be write it down. Tell yourself over and over again about these positive things and train your mind to begin to think positive. Every time the past begins to creep back in, pause, replace with a happy thought. You'll be surprised how that will change your countenance. 

3. Take a step towards positivity 
Positivity is a choice and not always an easy one. However, light comes when we breathe happy into our dark experiences.
For me, it has been reaching out to others. Sending a card. Encouraging someone else. Doing coffee with a friend, lunch or purchasing a gift that I know will make them smile. Plan your positivity.

Life isn't meant to be all about you. Its meant to be lived out giving and serving others. So this weekend, find a way to reach out and encourage another. Don't want for someone to encourage you. BE the encourager! It s a new way to live and honestly it will make your happier.

4. Smile and Laugh
You are the only one who can control your joy. Allow yourself to be happy again. Give yourself permission. It will not erase the pain, but does allow you to live again. It allows you to breathe again, and it gives permission to enjoy this very imperfect life.

Life is a journey, full of ups, downs and every which way. Its unpredictable. Yet what we learn from it, determines our future. Sow into your future and see bright days ahead!

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I've got plans with my family. A wonderful brunch to look forward to and a movie night out with girlfriends.

I even put a collage of pictures together of my mother earlier in the week to remind me of how much she influenced my life. The seeds she planted in me are now a garden in my heart to be transplanted into my children, family, friends and lives around. While it brought some tears, they were happy tears. These are pictures of good days, and good days are still ahead.

Choose happy friends. Choose happy!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Mother's Love

Sweet little kisses
Tiny little toes
The joy we celebrate
In watching babies grow

Each of our children
Gifts from above
Filling our lives with
So much love

From walking to talking
First day at school
To homework and bath time
And teaching the rules

Its not always easy
Some days are just hard
We worry, we scurry
And often feel tired

But mom, don't you fret
You're doing just fine
Your goal is not perfection
Its savoring the time

Special little moments
To warm their hearts
Your constant presence
And being who you are

Is what children want
And nothing less
Just giving your all
Trying your best

For days go by quickly
Faster than we wish
We can't slow down time
And we sure could miss

The moments that matter
Of connecting our hearts
To the ones God gave us
Our wisdom to impart 

So on this Mother's Day
Know that you are enough
You are celebrated
You are loved

For a measure of grace
Has been planted in your heart
Water the seed of love
And it won't depart

No matter where they go
No matter where they've been
You'll always be the one
They'll remember when

They look back on the years
In your gentle care
Basking in the memories
And recalling you there

Through good times 
Bad times, happy and sad
You are the constant
No matter the seasons they had

A picture of Jesus
A hand to hold
For a mother's love
Is worth far more than gold

Celebrating today all the mothers who have walked through the unwritten rules of motherhood. You are enough. You are loved, and you are making a difference.

To my mother, Joanne, you are one of life's greatest treasures ever given to me. May my life reflect just a measure of the wonderful mother you were. Remembering your love and knowing that you are celebrated in heaven!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

When It All Comes Crashing Down

Seven years to the day, our world seemed to come crashing down. What should have been a day filled with fond memories ended in a scar seared day.

See seven years ago to the day, our son Ethan who was 7 at the time, had a front heavy, 200 lb television fall on his head. What began with a joyful, fun day at Greenfield village riding Thomas the train ended with a 911 call, an ambulance ride to not 1 but 2 hospitals, a skull fracture, broken eye orbital and emergency surgery.

It was one of the most terrifying days of our lives. One that even as I type, the emotions flood back to the pain, the horror and the fear we felt. Hearing my son scream from the basement, yelling "Jesus" as I rolled the television off his head to see a pool of blood surrounding him. Screaming for my husband to call 911. It was a nightmare.

A nightmare, as we waited which seemed like an eternity for the ambulance to arrive. The ride to the hospital where I prayed, worshipped and continued to tell my son to talk to me to keep him from passing out.

And yet one of the most terrifying moments of my life became one of the most miraculous seasons we would ever encounter. What seemed like our world crashing in on us, lead to our miracle season.

When it all comes crashing down, it's an opportunity for God to step in and show Himself faithful. When death was knocking on the door, God brought peace, life, hope, favor, healing and blessing. When it all comes crashing down, we rode the waves of faith and set our eyes on Jesus. Miracle after miracle that showed God's perfect timing, faithful hand and constant presence.

Miracle 1:
The ambulance could only drive a certain distance from our home so instead of our first choice hospital, Children's, we ended up at St John Moross. What seemed like a detour, lead to a divine appointment. We waited for the neurologist to arrive to determine the best course of action. Dr. Ham was on call that Sunday night at St. John's but worked at another hospital. And not just any hospital, yes, Children's, and he was the head neurologist on staff! Oh God...Your timing perfect! Your provision faithful. So of course when we explained how we ended up at St John instead of Children's......Miracle one....papers to transfer Ethan to Children's.

Miracle 2:
As Ethan sat in the 1st ER at St John, he was calm, had minimal pain, received no pain medicine and normally with that size of an open wound, they would have attempted to at least close it up to prevent infection even if would have to be reopened later for the skull fracture repair. Yet for what I would say would be a God delay, led to waiting for the doctor's orders. Orders that not only got us transferred to Children's but then to the referral of the best plastic surgeon on staff.

When you ask a doctor, "If this was your child who would you have work on him?", you know you are going to get the best recommendation. And once again, God gave us the best. In our time of need, He lined us up with the dream team for Ethan's care. The head neurologist who performed the surgery, and the best plastic surgeon to stitch up the wound. We never did get a count on the stitches because they described it as a baseball stitch by the way they had to close it.

Yet God showed off because the plastic surgeon performed his last surgery on Ethan before moving back to Canada the following week. Oh God, you astound me! Your timing is perfect!
Miracle 2: Dream team to recovery

Miracle 3:
After a week in the hospital, a week at home, Ethan was able to return to school with no cognitive damage. He didn't have a concussion. He didn't have any neurological damage. My boy was whole. We prayed and believed for minimal scarring. Seven years later unless you knew, you can barely see the scar that goes from his left temple down to his right eyebrow.
Miracle son not only lives to show the goodness of God, but is a bright, handsome, thriving young man of God!

Oh my God! You saved us when it all came crashing down. As I look back on that season, it felt overwhelming. It was scary. Death was knocking at our door. BUT GOD, You were faithful, and You remain the same yesterday, today and forever. I thank You today that You remain the God who saves us when it all comes crashing down.

Picture with Sir Topham hat, and Ethan had just gotten the yellow Star Wars shirt. So proud to wear and sad when they had to cut it off him in the emergency room. He was so happy when someone regifted him the same shirt during recovery at home.

A picture of our family this past Easter 2016. JESUS the name above all names! Ethan is on the far left no longer wearing Star Wars shirts but growing up to be a fine, young man.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

To the Love of My Life....

Happy Birthday to the love of my life
My life was made better
Since becoming your wife

You're gentle, your kind
My sweet, handsome man
Who's always willing
To give others a hand

And yes, you're Dad
To a very large crew
But there is no doubt
All five adore you

The way that you pour 
Your life into them
It's a blessing to see
Our God you've shown them

And you've been my rock
Through every season
My constant companion
My voice of reason

Who's held my hand
Kissed me goodnight
Who's walked through the storms
And the good times in life

So on this day
It seems only fitting
That I speak these words
And tell you my thinking

That you are amazing
You are a star
You have made a difference
Being the person you are

I speak God's blessings
The whole year through
That 2016 would unfold for you

Abundance and health
Prosperity too
That all that you set your hand upon
God will see you through

This is just the beginning
Of your greatest days ahead
Keep your eyes on Jesus
And the promise that He said

That He has a plan
Designed just for you
It's a plan of hope
A plan to prosper you

That you will be a blessing
And people will be amazed
God will be glorified
As you live out your days!

Happy Birthday Michael Flosky
I love and celebrate you!